Wednesday, August 22, 2012

More of our Homeschool Scrapbook

Scrapbooking is one of the things I enjoy doing and given all the time to do it, I would probably work non-stop. But having tons of tasks to finish in a day, and now a newborn preemie, I wish to really still have time to go back to scrapbooking. So it is such a delight to find these old file of scrapbooking our homeschool journey.

In these scrapbook pages, wherein my 8year old daughter then helped, we used literally scraps- cutouts from magazines and the little scrapbooking trinkets I had.

We used art/colored paper only and some images printed out from the computer. We like paper tearing, obviously.

A computer-made collage is the easiest layout, plus some stickers.

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