Thursday, December 1, 2011

Food tasting

In Nepal, generally food is spicy. They use a variety of spices when cooking. The most popular is turmeric - it adds the color yellow to a dish. Their popular dish is called dhal bhat (composed of lentil soup (dhal)- more like our ginisang monggo, and rice (bhaat) and they use a lot of turmeric in cooking dhal. Some Nepalis eat this dish thrice a day. Our children have grown to love this combination, especially the one cooked at an orphanage they visit with their friends. At home, we also ask our bhaihini (sister- the one who does our laundry), to cook for us once in a while.

In this post, we will try to show the variety of food we eat. When we go to the restaurants, there is a variety of choices- continental, thai, chinese, italian, even different nepali cooking: like newari.

A traditional Thakali meal combo : Dhal Bhaat, Chicken Curry, Veggies, Spinach, Achaar or Pickle, spicy sauce. Cost varies from 150 to 350 rupees depending on which restaurant you eat. When visiting Nepali homes, they also serve the same and serve unending until you say, "Pugyo" or "I'm full."

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